Great 8

The story revolves around Jara, a tribal in Andaman, who escapes from a group that has captured his people. He ends up in the care of Kavya, a spoilt, rich girl, who has come to the island to celebrate New Year with her friends. Kavya brings the injured Jara, whom she calls Vaasi to Chennai, ..

Summary 8.0 great

Tarzan The Heman: Vanamagan (2018)

The story revolves around Jara, a tribal in Andaman, who escapes from a group that has captured his people. He ends up in the care of Kavya, a spoilt, rich girl, who has come to the island to celebrate New Year with her friends. Kavya brings the injured Jara, whom she calls Vaasi to Chennai, Meanwhile, Rajashekar’s son, Vicky, who is hoping to marry Kavya, is antagonistic towards Vaasi, and situations leads to Vaasi injuring him badly. And Michael Raj, a cop from Andaman, arrives just in time to take Vaasi back. Why do they need Vaasi, and what does Rajashekar do in retaliation? Is the rest of the story.

Tarzan The Heman (Vanamagan) 2018 New Released Hindi Dubbed Full Movie

Tarzan The Heman (Vanamagan) 2018 New Released Hindi Dubbed Full Movie


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